Only in a portfolio for theatre production would I include a rubber duck. (Can I say that? Are you rolling your eyes while you read this?) The reason I decided to include it is that Edward (the rubber duck) was a fan favourite for many years. He started as a coding hack introduced by my teacher at the special STEM school ENTER. The idea was that if you slowed yourself down, and told your rubber duck what you were coding, you would make fewer mistakes (rubber duck debugging is actually a real thing used in the software industry and by indie developers! And yes. It does work). Of COURSE the STEM girl who belonged but didn’t fit turned her duck into a fully rounded character with several hats and his own Instagram account. Edward travelled with me. He did homework with me. He had his own toothbrush and pyjamas. I even made him his own mini mouse ears so we could match in disney world! I got to explore several different mediums for making in miniature, my favourites were sewing and cardstock, but I also tried tiny paper-mashe, knitting, and wire wrapped with embroidery floss
While I no longer have enough time to make Edward little hats, I keep him and his wardrobe nearby in case the need for a stylish ducky ever arrives.
Below are some of my favorite hats I made him, to see more, check out his instagram! @rubberfrikkinduckies