I'm a hands on learner. And I had the extreme privilege of getting to do an independently directed study with my art teacher in grade 11. So it only made sense to apply the things I leaned in the concrete sculpture workshop I attended in October 2021 in my IDS.
My plan seemed simple enough in the beginning. I was going to make a fairytale "wishing well" that could live in my mom's garden. I even had a mini water fountain pump I from another project I was going to recycle.
I started with general sketches of what I wanted to make, and then moved into the finer detail planning so I could figure out just how I was going to weld my pieces together and how much material I would need.
I spent two weeks consulting the limited materials available at my local hardware store (thank you pandemic shipping delays!) and re-designing as I switched from a rounded base to an octagon and then as I scaled down from four feet.. to two feet.. to 18 inches..
Unfortunately due to the extreme cost of materials I've had to put this project on hiatus, but I hope one day I can make it come to life!!
The process of planning this project was extremely valuable even though I never got to execute it. I have a new appreciation for budgeting and resource management. I had to figure out the most efficient way to construct my steel skeleton so that I could take full advantage of the full length of steel rod rather than being left with remnants that are "just too small"
Below are photos of my sketches and more detailed drawings.